
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Grand Rapids Coffee Roasters Adventure

Today me and my dad went to the Grand Rapids Coffee Roasters. It's a small coffee shop in an old building, about 4 stories up. One can either take the stairs or take the elevator. (We took the stairs.)

I put a packet of creamer and 2 packets of sugar in my coffee because I'm weak.

Free samples anyone? 

It was a very nice experience; if you're looking for good coffee and a quiet place to go, GRCR is a great place to head to!

♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Halloween Throwback!

I've always loved Halloween; from dressing up to receiving large amounts of candy that I will consume almost instantly, there's always something that I love to do. I was looking back at some old Halloween costumes of mine and I decided to share some of my favorites! 

Here we have my first Halloween costume ever! 

Nothing says Halloween like a 10 month old baby in a pig costume.

Apparently in Preschool I wanted to be Tigger? I have no memory of this but it happened.

And finally we have my wonderful Tinkerbell costume. I went as Tinkerbell for a few years in a row because she's my queen.

(I rocked at those Halloween party games.)

I also remember going as a ballerina one year, and in the fourth grade I went as Helen Keller. One year I went as Ariel (fifth grade??) and I went as Mabel Pines freshman year. 

This year I'd like to go as Princess Anna or Glinda!!

If you want you can comment your favorite past Halloween costume!! I hope your Halloween is a good one!! :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Music That Matters"

Paradise Fears is an alternative pop band of six members originally formed in South Dakota. They write and perform many inspiring songs with powerful lyrics. The group has helped thousands of people through their music and they love each one their listeners. 


With touching lyrics and an inspiring speech, their first single "Sanctuary" has become one of their most popular songs. With lyrics directed toward the listener, this song provides the comfort and reassurance that we all need in our darkest moments. The speech delivered by Sam Miller, the band's lead singer, will send a shiver down your spine as you listen. Personally, I believe that this is the band's most inspiring song. 

Battle Scars Album

Battle Scars Track List
Battle Scars, their second full album, has eight tracks; each one of them illustrating genuine emotions.
  •  The first track is an introduction to the album: a minute and a half long speech.
  • The second track "Battle Scars" is a song written for outcasts, the ones who struggle in their everyday lives. 
  • The third track is an inspiring song called "What Are You Waiting For?" This song also features a short speech that is sure to provide you with the motivation to do anything.
  •  "Warrior", the fourth track on the album, compares one's former self and one's stronger, more experienced self. 
  • The fifth track is an upbeat love song called "Lullaby". Written with a long distance theme, this song is sure to lift your spirits. 
  • The sixth track, "Fought For Me", has a unique sound and powerful lyrics that are surely written from the heart.  
  • The seventh track on the album, "Used", is a song about heartbreak and regret. While it is a sad song, it is also very beautiful; the lyrics are amazingly written and the overall sound of the song perfectly conveys the emotion of the song.
  • The final track on the album is a reprise of Battle Scars. 
Battle Scars CD

So why should i listen to Paradise Fears?

Not only does Paradise Fears encourage thousands of people through their music, they also support their fans directly. Active on twitter and other social media, the members of Paradise Fears interact with their listeners and truly get to know their fans. Often the group will have before show meet and greets, where they will hang out and get to know the people who listen to their music. Paradise Fears has thousands of fans who support them greatly, but more importantly, they support every single one of their fans right back. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Self Care Kit

A self care kit is a collection of items that are comforting to you and will help you calm down or distract yourself! I made a self care kit and I'd like to share my ideas with you!
The first thing I put in my self care kit was some paper and makers. Whether I'm doodling or coloring, it always seems to calm me down! Another good idea would be to print off some coloring pages and put that in the kit.
I put one of my favorite and most encouraging books in my self care kit. It's called Staying Strong 365 Days a Year. I highly recommend it, especially for when you need a little confidence boost. 
One thing I have always loved doing is making lists. It's calming and it helps keep my mind focused. I put this notepad into my self care kit so I can make lists whenever I need to.
Obviously, there are lots of other things you can put into a self care kit. I put in a hand sanitizer, so I can focus on the really sweet smell of the soap. I also put in this little motivational book for beating stress! Some other ideas of things to put in a self care kit are:

Your favorite kind of candy
A small stuffed animal
A stress ball
A mix CD of calming songs
Printed out copies of kind messages you have received
A picture of someone you love
A list of reasons you love to be alive

Feel free to comment some other ideas you may have, I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Movie Review (Phoebe in Wonderland)

Phoebe in Wonderland

Drama | 96 Minutes 
5/5 stars

Phoebe, a young girl with an imagination larger than life, faces the hardships of the world around her as her mother becomes more and more distant. She has difficulties separating reality and the world she has created inside her mind. Her world is filled with storybook characters from the book Alice in Wonderland, and she relies heavily on these characters to help her though life.

She struggles in the classroom environment, but finds her sanctuary when she joins the school musical, Alice in Wonderland.  With her mom becoming more and more distant from her children as she is writing her book, Phoebe grows close to her drama teacher, whom she looks up to and admires.

Phoebe and her sister on Halloween
Overall I would say that this is a must see! I would like to give a warning to anyone who has trouble with suicidal thoughts, as there are some minor suicidal themes in this film. Other than that, I would definitely recommend that you add this to your list of movies to watch! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

How to deal with anxiety (Distractions)

Everyone gets anxious. Whether it's severe or mild anxiety, it is always hard to deal with. Sweaty palms, shaky hands, and racing thoughts are only some of the many things that occur when one is anxious. As someone who suffers from severe anxiety, I know how difficult it is to function properly throughout the day when anxiety is constantly nagging at me. I also know that it is possible to overcome these anxious thoughts that fill our minds every day. 

The "logical way" to overcome anxiety is to accept that your thoughts are only thoughts. Thousands of thoughts pop into your mind every day. Not every thought is a fact. If you think to yourself  "Oh my god everyone is going to laugh at my new braces", you have to remember that it is not a fact. Unless you have powers that allow you to see into the future, you do not know for a fact that everyone is going to laugh at you. Occasionally this does help calm my anxiety, usually for the less severe cases.

While this thought mindset can sometimes help lessen your anxiety, it is not always as easy as thinking it through. When someone is really anxious, they often can only think of that one thing that 
is bothering them. What I am going to talk about today is distractions. 

What are some good distractions?

It all depends on your surroundings! If you're at home, there's an endless possibility of things to do to keep your mind from wandering too far. If you're artistic, try painting or writing. If you're athletic, some good ideas include sprinting or intense exercise. If you love music, turn on your favorite song and focus only on the lyrics. 

If you're somewhere more formal, like school, your options are a bit more limited, since you can't just get up and run a mile in the middle of algebra class. Even though you are a bit more restricted as to what you can do, there are still many other good ways to distract yourself. One thing that works for me, is I will just throw myself into my schoolwork. I will pay absolute perfect attention, and focus only on what the teacher is saying. If this isn't your thing (it probably isn't), you could do the opposite. Draw all over a scrap piece of paper or write a letter to a friend! As long as you make sure you get notes from a friend later, it's usually okay if doodle in class (from my experience). Another thing you should be sure to check out is this shop. There are lots of different fidgets you can buy for really low prices. Things like stress balls and tangles are great things to keep your hands and minds busy. Take a look around the shop for something that suits you!


Another really important tool to know about is temperature. While these things are only easily accessible at home, they are extremely helpful. Taking a hot shower is a great and easy way to calm yourself down. Don't just take a warm shower; take a hot shower. Take a shower that is so hot and wonderful that you never want to leave. Another example of extreme temperature activities is holding ice cubes. Grab two ice cubes, one in each hand, and squeeze them until they melt. It's difficult and your hands will probably sting, but your mind will be focusing only on the how freezing the ice cubes are. The last example is something my therapist taught me. Fill a sink with freezing water, maybe add an ice cube or two if you want. Dunk your whole head into the sink and stay under the water for as long as you can. Make sure you come back up to breathe. I can almost guarantee you that your mind will be focusing on one thing: how cold everything is. It sounds silly, but it works. 

Distractions are obviously not limited to these. There are thousands upon thousands of different things you can to do distract yourself. Find something that works for you, and do it. Let me know in the comments what distractions work for you! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tank Top & Alpaca Review!

I wasn't sure what to do for a first post, so I figured, why not do a review! I ordered a lot of things a while ago from Amazon; these are only a few of the many cute things I purchased! 

The first item I'd like to review is this shirt.

First let me say, this tank top is one of the cutest things I've ever owned in my life. I don't have any pictures of me wearing it unfortunately. On my body, which is short and a little chubby, the shirt fits nicely. It's not loose like the models in the preview image on amazon; however, I personally like the way it looks on me. The first thing I noticed when I saw this shirt is that the material is very thin. 

It's a very thin material, and it is slightly see through. I had to wear a thin tank top underneath it when I wore the shirt in public so that my bra wouldn't show through. If it's not too much of a hassle to wear another shirt underneath, the thinness of the shirt shouldn't be a problem! Another thing I noticed after I had worn it a few times is that the stitching comes apart rather easily. There is a part by the arms that is already worn down and coming undone. The only other issue I'd like to address is the fitting of this shirt. The material is not stretchy at all, so it is a little tight at the bust. If you have larger breasts like me, this might be an issue. It all depends on your body shape. Overall I'd say this was worth purchasing, and I wear it frequently. 

The second item I'd like to review is this plushie,

The first thing I'd like to say is that I named him Humprey and he is my best friend. He is about 6 and a half inches tall, and about 4 inches wide.

It says in the description that the bow color is random, so keep this in mind! (I didn't notice that until just now) Humprey is very soft (like so so so soft!) The only problem I noticed with this is that sometimes he doesn't stand up very well; he will tip over and it gets a little frustrating when I put him up on my shelf. I honestly don't have much else to say about this, except that it is a nice, inexpensive yet adorable plushie to buy!

(some more pictures of Humprey being adorable)

That's it for my first blog entry!! I hope to update frequently, once a week at the least!